AVLTL Featured Tools: Sound System

The Asheville Tool Library offers all sorts of tools for you to check out. Sure, hammers and squares and shovels are tools but we recognize that a tool is just about anything you need to get the job done. And that there’s no reason to buy a tool you only need on occasion. Throwing an […]
AVLTL Featured Tool: Pressure Canner

Rounding out our selection of tools available to borrow is a whole category of Canning, Preserving & Homebrew tools. One of the goals of the Asheville Tool Library is to empower our members with the tools you need to be self sufficient. From garden to table, we have all the tools you need to grow […]
AVLTL Featured Tool: Wheelbarrow

An essential tool for all sorts of purposes, the wheelbarrow will help you work smarter, not harder. Like all our tools, this 4-cubic foot wheelbarrow is available for Asheville Tool Library members to check out for up to seven days. Just imagine how many loads of leaves you could move to the compost pile in […]
AVLTL Featured Tool: Saws

The Asheville Tool Library includes an impressive collection of saws for all your needs. We have compound miter saws, circular saws, jig saws, table saws, reciprocating saws, electric pole chainsaws, hand miter saws, bow saws, wet tile saws, and so many more saws. If you need a hand saw or power saw, chances are we […]
AVLTL Featured Tools: Carpet Cleaner
The Asheville Tool Library now has a carpet cleaner available for members to use! Bissell Big Green Carpet Cleaner now available Asheville Tool Library members can now borrow this Bissell Big Green carpet cleaner for a whole week! Finally – no need to deal with 24 hour carpet cleaner rentals! As always, members pay no […]