Donaciones de herramientas
¡Aceptamos donaciones de herramientas de trabajo en cualquier momento!
Las herramientas se pueden poner en el Inventario para que las usen otros miembros, venderlas para ayudar a respaldar nuestras operaciones o usarlas como repuestos.
You can drop off tool donations during our open hours or use the form below to schedule a pickup or drop off time. If you have a large quantity or unique tools, we appreciate the heads up!
Unfortunately, due to our ongoing maintenance needs and limited volunteers, we are usually unable to accept items in need of repair. But, if you think you may have an exception, get in touch using the form below!

Donaciones monetarias
Confiamos en sus generosas donaciones para mantener bajos los costos de nuestra membresía. Agradecemos cualquier cantidad que pueda dar.
If you are looking to become a member, please visit our member page to donate and join!
We are a 501(c)(3) nonprofit and your financial and tool donations are tax-deductible – and support your community directly. Donations made below will automatically receive a tax donation form from PayPal. If you have donated via check, cash, or while at the library and need a tax form for your donation, please reach out to our Board Treasurer.
The National Network of Tool Libraries got us where are! As we continue to grow, we want seek meaningful partnerships in the Asheville area and beyond to empower people with resources to create a more self-sufficient world. If you think we can do great things together, reach out!
We are honored to receive support from local and national companies through monetary donations, services, or discounted and gratis tools. If you are interested in providing the tool library with discounted tools or services, please reach out to us using the form below.
Our local Ace Hardware – Madden’s on Haywood – – provides us discounts on tools, including those amazing EGO mowers!

Patrocinador fiscal original de la biblioteca de herramientas de Asheville. Empowerment WORKS une una red diversa de Partners in Empowerment (PIE) para catalizar soluciones locales a problemas globales desde cero.

MyTurn desarrolla y administra nuestro software de inventario y membresía y actualmente está impulsando más de 80 bibliotecas de herramientas y otras Library of Things.

Asheville Makers es un espacio de creación en el área de Asheville. Son una comunidad amistosa de manipuladores, creadores, ingenieros, educadores, científicos, artistas, piratas informáticos, geeks, etc. ¡Cualquiera que sea, aspire a ser o simplemente quiera estar con científicos locos locales inteligentes, creativos y amistosos es bienvenido!