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The Asheville Tool Library is a member-based 501c3 non-profit. We are made possible by a team of volunteers. Members have access to thousands of tools and can check tools out for a week at a time. Each membership is $50-$250 a year with free scholarships available to anyone that needs one.  

Las membresías duran un año desde el inicio de la misma.

Para mantenerse inscrito fácilmente, su cuenta se puede configurar para la renovación automática.

Ofrecemos un usuario secundario en todas las cuentas. También deben firmar la renuncia y archivar su identificación.

Todos los miembros deben tener al menos 18 años de edad.

We ask that members requesting scholarship accounts fill out a simple form and chat with one of our Board Members about their needs, but we do not require proof of income or need. The support of our community makes these scholarships possible.

You can also learn more by visiting our Membership Page

Tarifas de préstamo de herramientas: Por lo general, no hay tarifas asociadas con los préstamos de herramientas, aunque ocasionalmente requerimos una pequeña tarifa para las herramientas que tienen altos costos de mantenimiento. Esta tarifa se indicará claramente en el Inventario de herramientas y se pagará al finalizar la compra.

Cargos por pagos atrasados: Todos los préstamos son por una semana. Después de 7 días, incurrirá en un cargo por demora de $1 dólar, por herramienta, por día, incluidos los días que no estemos abiertos.

Renovaciones: Our priority is to keep tools available for our other members. If there is not another reservation and the tool is not in high demand, we may allow a renewal. For instance in mid-summer, if all the weed eaters are checked out, we will not allow a renewal, but if you have a drill and we have 10 more in inventory, we will likely make an exception! You must call to speak with someone to approve the renewal.

Check out our Página de reserva to learn how to reserve tools. We do not require reservations, but they are a great way to make sure the tools you want are waiting for you!

Nuestro período de préstamo de una semana aún se aplica. Reservar una herramienta por varias semanas, o reservar una herramienta para la semana después de haber tomado prestada una herramienta, no proporciona un período de préstamo más largo. Si no devuelve una herramienta después del período de préstamo de una semana, es posible que se apliquen cargos por pago atrasado.

Incluimos la herramienta básica, pero los "consumibles" no están garantizados. Tratamos de mantener las hojas de sierra afiladas, pero tenemos voluntarios limitados y no siempre podemos mantenernos encima de todas las hojas. Además, nuestros miembros a menudo devuelven papel de lija, clavos, tornillos y grapas que quedaron de sus proyectos. Los guardamos, así que no dude en preguntarle al voluntario cuando recoja sus herramientas si puede ver lo que tenemos.

However, We do provide the gas needed for tools. We use non-ethanol gas, so we prefer to supply it ourselves. We accept donations to compensate for the gas provided.


If something happens while you are using the tool, contact us as soon as possible! If it is something simple from general use, like a dull blade, just let the volunteer on staff know, and we will put the tool into maintenance. If the issue with the tool was through misuse of the tool, a Board Member will get in touch and discuss the options. If it was truly complete misuse by the member, we may ask you to replace the tool. As stated in the Membership Agreement, we reserve the right to take appropriate action, including charging the card on file, if we feel necessary.

The goal of the Tool Library is to make tools available to our members. The myTurn system will send you reminders before your tools are due, and then again every week while they are checked out. 

After one month of being overdue without contacting us, the tool library will notify you of the value of the tools in your possession and your late fees, and will charge the card on file for whichever number is less.

Charging members is a last resort and if we do not hear from you, we can only only determine that the tools have been stolen. Ultimately, we seek to meet  our original goal, so, if you are struggling to return your tools due to childcare, transportation, or other circumstances, please, reach out! We will help you get your tools back.
