Inventory and Reservations

Anyone can browse our inventory prior to joining.

Tool Loans
All tools are due back in one week.
After 7 days, a $1/day late fee applies to each tool you borrowed, for every day it is late, including days we are not open.
As a courtesy to other members, we do not offer renewals.
Never Reserved Tools Before?
Watch the short video below to learn how!
Making Reservations
- Our one-week loan period still applies. Reserving a tool for multiple weeks, or reserving a tool for the week after you have borrowed a tool, does not provide a longer loan period. If you do not return a tool after the one week loan period, late fees may apply.
- We cannot guarantee the person who borrowed the tool before you will return it on time.
- You must activate your account before reserving tools by signing the membership and liability form and paying the membership fee.
- If you do not pick up the reserved tool on the start date you selected, we will make the tool available to other members.
Tool Inventory Wish List
Want to see a Tool in Inventory? Tell us about it!
Including links to options for the tool you are suggesting is very helpful!